Demographic Report for the Surrounding Area of the Cumberland County Landfill This report documents the racial and age demographics of the area surrounding the proposed landfill. In the affected area, the percentage of Black residents is 77.4% higher than the Black population in Virginia. Additionally, the percent of residents under 18 is 46.6% higher than the percent of residents under 18 in Virginia. Environmental Justice, Demographics
Community College Spending on For-Profit Enrollment I estimate the causal impact of spending by community colleges on nearby for-profit colleges by exploiting variation of budget shocks and tuition freezes/caps by state legislatures. Causal Inference, Two-Stage Least Squares
Uncertainty of Outcome and Superstar Effect in Esports I evaluate the Uncertainty of Outcome Hypothesis (UOH) as well as the superstar effect on Twitch viewership in two esports: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Dota 2. These theories have been evalauted in many sports, but this is the first paper to my knowledge that extends the analysis to esports. Sports Economics, Esports
Impact of Drought on Herd Composition (WIP) Using autoregressive models, I estimate the impact of sustained drought on herd composition in Tanzania and Uganda. Autoregressive
Esports Predictions Using Monte Carlo Simulation Using a combination of Markov Chain and tree-based ensemble methods, I forecast the outcomes of esports matches and tournaments. Machine Learning, Monte Carlo, Markov Chain, Esports
Active Learning to Label Data I show the benefit of using least confident sampling and margin sampling instead of random sampling to label data in order to more efficiently label data. Machine Learning, Active Learning
Effect of S&P 500 Inclusion on Stock Price Using random forests, we match stocks that barely make it into the S&P 500 with those that don't. We then use difference-in-differences to estimate the effect of S&P 500 inclusion on stock price. Machine Learning, Difference-in-Differences
Affirmative Action and Human Capital Investment We design an experiment to mimic Affirmative Action (AA). We then estimate the effects of AA on human capital investment. Featured on FiveThirtyEight. Experiment